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Searching for the perfect soft and floral recipe as we enjoy summer? Try Ceder’s Rose & Tonic, full of bubbles and fruity aromas 🌸 🍓

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #alcoholfree #cocktail
Summer plans: time outdoors, good company and tasty refreshing drinks without having to worry about alcohol.
Ceder’s is your best ally to live fully and make the most of summertime

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #alcoholfree #cocktail #summer
It’s all about botanicals 🌱 Ceder's Classic and Ceder's Rose are 2 combinations of meticulously chosen botanicals, which gives them a very distinctive tasting profile. Fresh and smooth for the first one, soft and sweet for the second.

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #alcoholfree
Sip into summer bliss with our refreshing Classic & Tonic. 
Swipe to see the recipe 🍸 

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #alcoholfree #cocktail
Celebrate Canada day with delicious non-alcoholic drinks. Choose your favorite distilled non-alcoholic spirit from Ceder’s range and grab that cocktail shaker. 
Cheers to a long week-end 🍸 

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #alcoholfree #cocktail #CanadaDay
We’ve got non-alcoholic drinks for every occasion this summer. Wether you’re staying in, going out or just undecided, there’s a Ceder’s recipe that matches the mood.

#livefullyalive #CedersDrinks #summer #alcoholfree

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